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Abbreviated Pundit Roundup: Time for a change?

Abbreviated Pundit Roundup is a long-running series published every morning that collects essential political discussion and analysis around the internet.

Vanity Fair:

RFK Jr.’s Family Doesn’t Want Him to Run. Even They May Not Know His Darkest Secrets.

Last year Robert Kennedy Jr. texted a photograph to a friend. In the photo RFK Jr. was posing, alongside an unidentified woman, with the barbecued remains of what appears to be a dog. Kennedy told the person, who was traveling to Asia, that he might enjoy a restaurant in Korea that served dog on the menu, suggesting Kennedy had sampled dog. The photo was taken in 2010, according to the digital file’s metadata—the same year he was diagnosed with a dead tapeworm in his brain. (A veterinarian who examined the photograph says the carcass is a canine, pointing to the 13 pairs of ribs, which include the tell-tale “floating rib” found in dogs.)

There’s a ton of oppo on RFK Jr that was dropped yesterday, perhaps to change the subject. But nothing is going to move the media of of whether Biden should drop out. And the stories are just getting more brutal by the day.

Still, post-debate polling so far remains decidedly mixed and relatively unmoved. Add in that it will take another week to properly judge that (holiday + despondent democrats not answering polls).

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