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'That's treason': Project 2025 leader shocks with veiled threat of bloody revolution

The president of the conservative think tank behind former President Donald Trump's controversial Project 2025 platform shocked the nation with a veiled threat of bloody revolution.

Heritage Foundation chief Kevin Roberts appeared on the far-right streaming service Real America's Voice Tuesday to explain to viewers how conservatives were in the process of "taking the country back" from the "radical left," video shows.

"We are in the process of the second American Revolution," Roberts says, "which will remain bloodless if the left allows it to be."

Roberts' alarming claim in response to the Supreme Court ruling that Trump enjoyed presidential immunity when he urged the Justice department to support his bid to challenge the 2020 election on baseless fraud claims.

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Dissent writer Justice Sonia Sotomayor wrote that she despaired for democracy after a majority ruling she warned condoned assassinations of political rivals.

Both President Joe Biden's campaign and MSNBC producer shared Roberts' comment on X in posts seen by millions that spurred backlash Wednesday morning.

"That's treason," replied historian Dr. Jennifer Mercieca, a professor at Texas A&M University.

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"This statement sounds like its straight out of Mein Kampf," added X user Denison BarbDenison Barb.

"They expect us to just sit back while they try to take over our country & install their orange God as dictator," wrote Tambrei Cash, a Democrat Congressional candidate hoping to unseat a Georgia Republican. "Hell no."

"Our Project 2025 warnings are not hyperbole," added journalist Ahmed Baba.

The Project 2025 platform calls for purging the federal government of rank-and-file employees, limiting access to contraception, expand presidential powers, dismantle the Education department and other policies one Trump ally said will "burn it all down."

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