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Paraguay Hosted Fifty-Fourth OAS General Assembly – OpEd

The fifty-fourth regular session of the General Assembly of the Organization of American States (OAS) was held in Asunción, Paraguay, from June 26 to 28, 2024.

The main topic proposed by the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Peru and discussed by the Americas Foreign Affairs Ministers was "Integration and security for the sustainable development of the region."

On this occasion U. S. Deputy Secretary of State for Management and Resources, Richard R. Verma (June 28, 2024) stated: "We believe in the institution, its leadership, and ability to face the critical regional challenges in the future. Deeply supportive of this institution from its earliest days as the Pan American Union, the United States remains committed to strengthening and working with what we consider as the region's preeminent organization."

In Asuncion, the United States official delegation reaffirmed its commitment to promoting representative democracy through new OAS initiatives including education in civic values and human rights, the creation of a new evidence-based mechanism to inform democratic decision-making and enhanced regional legislative engagement. In addition, the United States announced new training collaboration with the Inter-American Commission of Women (CIM) for Caribbean and indigenous electoral candidates, in furtherance of the Inter-American Task Force on Women's Leadership. These actions serve to advance the efforts of the Voluntary Group of OAS Member States for Follow-Up to the IADC, established following the 53rd OAS General Assembly of 2023. As Chair of the Voluntary Group, the United States will continue to engage with democratic stakeholders including regional civil society to deepen cooperation, dialogue, and collaboration in a rapidly changing global context.

Washington is also committed to Strengthening Electoral Observation.

OAS electoral observation missions continue to serve as an important means through which to promote free and fair elections in the Americas, including in the United States. In 2024, the OAS is scheduled to observe 11 electoral processes across the Western Hemisphere. At the 54th General Assembly of the OAS, the United States underscored its strong support for these efforts, co-sponsoring a resolution calling for continued collaboration and shared financing for OAS electoral observation by member states, as well as for implementation of mission recommendations. This effort builds on the updated "Manual for Electoral Missions of the Organization of American States" published by the OAS in May 2024. The United States is firmly committed to working with the OAS and its member states to ensure the integrity of elections in the Americas.

Defending Human Rights and Enhancing Social Inclusion 

In keeping with the IADC and American Declaration on the Rights and Duties of Man, the United States remains committed to upholding human rights and fundamental freedoms for all. The United States continues to lead efforts to shine a light on regional human rights challenges and abuses, co-sponsoring a resolution urging the government of Nicaragua to restore human rights to its citizens and adhere to its international obligations and commitments. The U.S. also presented resolutions on freedom of religion or belief, social protection and inclusive opportunity, diversity and transparency in elections to Inter-American human rights bodies, and the human rights of LGBTI+ persons as Chair of the OAS LGBTI+ Core Group. The United States remains steadfast in its support for the independent Inter-American Commission on Human Rights (IACHR), which has for 65 years allowed individuals across the region – including the United States – to seek redress for human rights abuses and violations.

Promotion of Hemispheric Security 

According to the United States Permanent Mission to the Organization of American States; Washington remains committed to pursuing multilateral and collective responses to conventional and emerging security threats in the Americas, supporting efforts to promote multilateral and citizen security in the region. As Acting Chair of the OAS Haiti Working Group, the United States presented a resolution to address the serious security situation in Haiti focused on humanitarian relief, support for the Multinational Security Support (MSS) Mission, as well as the efforts of the country's new government to restore the rule of law and hold free and fair elections.


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