News in English

Toddler Thrown Into Overhead Compartment by Extreme Turbulence on Air Europa Flight

Alexandre Lago/Reuters

As extreme turbulence sent an Air Europa flight tumbling on Monday, causing bits of plane debris to fly into Dr. Cecilia Laguzzi’s head, she woke from her in-flight nap and immediately started scrambling to find her children.

Her daughter was sleeping with her husband several seats away, but her two-year-old son—briefly lost in the chaos of the turbulence—was crying from a spot in the ceiling where he had been flung after bits of the plane’s overhead had been knocked loose.

“I was trying to find him on the floor and started screaming his name until someone told me, ‘Are you looking for a baby?’’’ she said, adding that the person then pointed up to the roof of the plane where her son was lodged.

Read more at The Daily Beast.

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