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'What is your point?!': Fox News host trades barbs with guest during heated discussion

A heated discussion erupted Wednesday on Fox News when host Judge Jeanine Pirro repeatedly cut off a contributors as they debated President Joe Biden's age and cognitive abilities, with Pirro going so far as accusing her guest of "dancing" around the topic and demanding he make his point.

The tense moment unfolded after Pirro appeared to goad guest Richard Fowler, asking the Georgetown University adjunct professor and radio host if he's still "confident" Biden won't "freeze up" with foreign leaders, and whether he's "comfortable" with Biden working outside the hours of 10 a.m. to 6 p.m.

A reserved Fowler acknowledged that Americans "can't unwatch" what they saw at the debate, but noted that if Biden plans to stay in the race, there must be a strategy shift from the White House and the campaign, including a public town hall where he can talk to voters and interviews with journalists.

"Get out there and talk to the American people," he said.

When Fowler openly asked whether the country is having a conversation over age and health, he recalled that former Republican presidential candidate John McCain opened up his health records.

Read also: Fox's Jeanine Pirro ruthlessly fact-checked for claiming Trump never tried to jail Clinton

The remark drew swift reaction from the panel of five, with Pirro interjecting, "No, it's not about [inaudible]"

"That's not the issue," she said, trying to talk over her guest. "That's not the issue! We've got a president who cannot speak!"

Fowler cut off the judge, yelling: "Hold on!"

The two devolved into a tense discussion over what they were talking about, with Fowler contending the conversation is about health, and Pirro believing it to be about "whether or not he freezes up."

"That is about health," exclaimed Fowler.

While the two couldn't agree on what they're actually debating, Pirro acknowledged this can't be about his health, as they don't have his health records.

"That is my point —" Fowler said, as Pirro cut him off again: "What is your point?"

"I'm making it if you wouldn't interrupt me," he replied, clearly becoming frustrated.

"Yeah, go ahead. What is it?" she shot back.

Pirro later accused Fowler of "dancing" when he said Biden and former President Donald Trump should both submit cognitive health tests.

Fowler shouted: "I'm not dancing!"

But Pirro didn't relent, as the two continued with raised voices.

"You are dancing!"

Watch the clip below or at this link.

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