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JINS Holdings Tokyo Head Office / Fumiko Takahama Architects

This project is a relocation of the Tokyo headquarters of JINS HOLDINGS, an eyewear brand with more than 700 shops in Japan and abroad. The new building is a nine-story building scheduled for demolition in three years' time. It was rented entirely and fully renovated based on two concepts: "Create space by demolishing" and " Museum x Office." The "Create space by demolishing" means creating spaces with a subtractive design, stripping off finishes, and opening up holes in the slab while minimizing the amount of new construction as much as possible, considering decarbonization. The rough space that emerges from this process provides workers with a proactive environment where they can improve their work area by devising new ways of working, rather than a passive environment in which everything is set for them. The Museum x Office is intended to reconfigure the space generated by literally demolishing parts of the building as a place where the ideas and creativity of the people can be stimulated, like an art museum.

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