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Why Did Jesus Walk On Water? Meaning, Lesson and Bible Story |

SummaryJump to sectionThe miracles of Jesus ChristWalking on WaterMeaning and lessons from PeterKeeping our faith in focusThe phrase “to walk on water” is usually made in reference to an impossible feat or insurmountable task. However, the saying comes from an amazing story many of us learned in Bible study as kids.The story of Jesus walking on water is just one of the many miracles performed in the scripture. The son of God is known for turning water into wine, exorcising demons from the possessed, healing the sick, and many other deeds that were deemed miracles.In this article we’ll learn about the story of Jesus walking on water, as well as lessons we can take from this miracle and apply to our lives.The miracles of Jesus ChristJesus never asked for any form of payment for the miracles he demonstrated or the people he healed. In fact, Jesus told his disciples to heal the sick and not ask for payment in return.Jesus fed thousands of people with only five loaves of bread and two fish...

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