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I was quoted £3k to update my council house kitchen & that’s way out of my budget, so I made DIY changes for just £54

A WOMAN who was quoted £3,000 to redo her council house kitchen has shown how she updated it herself for just £54.

Zara explained that she was keen to give her kitchen a total makeover, but when she went to Howdens Kitchens she was told it would cost her thousands.

Zara was quoted £3,000 to redo her council house kitchen, so decided to do it herself for £54
She painted all the cupboards, changed the handles and redid the vinyl on the worktops
She had given herself a budget of £100 to see what she could do with that[/caption]
And she managed to redo the whole room for just £54

But, as she doesn’t have that money, she decided to set a budget of £100 to “test” her DIY skills and see how much she could get done herself.

Zara took to TikTok to share a video detailing her “DIY uplift” plan, as she noted: “It’s amazing what you can do when you put your mind to it!”

Her next TikTok video showed the incredible results of the kitchen redo.

Gone were the plain, wooden cabinets, and in their place were some super chic pale green ones.

She’d also painted the cupboard handles black, and swapped the dark worktops for a lighter wood colour.

“I am so in love with this!” Zara captioned the video.

And people in the comments section were quick to praise her, with one writing: “Looks a lot better!

“It’s amazing what some fresh paint and some vinyl can do!”

“Oh wow! You’ve done such and amazing job!” another added.

“Looks stunning!”

“Love that, its got a proper cute little vintage vibe now,” a third praised.

With Zara replying: “Thank you.

“Yes I liked the style of the kitchen just not the colour.”

“It’s very country kitchen, I love it,” someone else commented.

“Council kitchens are boring,” another wrote.

“This has much more character and looks nicer.”

“Great to see people giving a s**t about where they live regardless of it’s been council,” someone else praised.

“You see some of the states people let rentals get into.

“Well done!”

“Very calm & homely,” another said.

“You could get some nice patterned peel & stick tiles to go over the white ones to give it some more character!” someone else suggested.

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“Don’t really like them to be fair but maybe I’ll change my mind,” Zara replied.

Not everyone was impressed though, with one sarcastically writing: “So you painted?”

“Yeah pretty much!” Zara replied, alongside laughing emojis.

“And done vinyl on the worktops so give me some credit.

“Just showing how it can be done on a budget!”

People were quick to praise Zara for her incredible skills
With the kitchen looking a whole lot more homely now

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