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French Greetings: 22 Must-Know Ways to Say Hello & Goodbye - Busuu

Saying goodbye in FrenchNow that you’ve mastered a few French hellos, let’s take a look at a few ways to say goodbye in French. After all, it can be hard to say goodbye, right?1. The slangy one: À plus!Meaning: “Later!”About: This is a shortening of à plus tard – literally “until later” – which is also commonly used as a casual “Bye!” among friends. There are actually several variations of this, all of which are acceptable, including à la prochaine (until next time) and à bientôt (see you soon).2. The casual one: Salut!Meaning: “Bye!”About: Kind of functionally a French ciao or aloha, salut is a general greeting that can be used for both hello and goodbye. It’s a word with many meanings (including salute, salvation, and cheers), and is generally informal but not rude or slangy. Salut works well for casual work environments, acquaintances, and friends. 3. The formal one: Au revoir!Meaning: “Goodbye!”About: Finally, we have the most formal version of goodbye, the one you probably learned...

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