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The 3 Rules of Good Logo Design

Sagi Haviv has designed some of the most iconic logos on Earth--and that’s not an exaggeration. He’s designed logos for PBS, Chase, Mobil, Showtime, and National Geographic, just to name a few. Yep, this guy’s the real deal.Oftentimes, people think a good logo is one that says a lot about the company, or is just really pretty. In this video, Sagi Haviv gives us the most definitive answer as to what makes a logo great. The fact is, a good logo should be three things:Appropriate – logos should be appropriate in it's feeling. It doesn’t need to say a whole lot.Distinctive & Memorable – It has to be unusual enough to persist in our mind. It should pass the "doodle test."Simple – Logos are displayed across various mediums in many different sizes. It needs to be able to be produced in every pixel size. For this reason, a good logo is one that’s super, super simple.When you strike the balance of these 3 things, you have a good logo.So, what makes up a bad logo? If a logo is generic, or if it’...

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