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It’s correct ? I think that I’ m not a superstitious person But I have a few superstitions, but the common ones ... some stereotypical superstitious beliefs like I believe that you should never open an umbrella indoors; I believe in this because my grandm

QuestionActualizado en15 ago 2018elisasat3 nov 2017ItalianoInglés (US)AlemánFrancés (Francia)Pregunta de Inglés (US)Respuestas¿Cuándo dar "no me gusta" a una respuestaSu propietario no será notificado.Solo el usuario que hizo esta pregunta verá quien está en desacuerdo con esta respuesta.OKLee más comentariospdseay3 nov 2017Inglés (US)It's correct?--> Is this correct?I don't think I’m a particularly superstitious person but I do have a few common superstitions. Such stereotypical superstitious beliefs as: I believe that you should never open an umbrella indoors;I believe this because my grandmother always told me that it is like asking for bad luck to rain on you.Mmmh...I also think that it’s good luck if you find a penny or a four-leaf clover.But I will never believe that if you step on a crack you will break your mother’s back or that brEaking a mirror will bring you 7 years of bad luck. Once my italian teacher in middle school told me that when she was a child her mother spilt salt...

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