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'I’m not voting for who’s best on television': Biden delegates defiant as pressure mounts

In interviews with multiple delegates headed to the Democratic nominating convention being held in Chicago in August, more than a few stated they will stick with President Joe Biden despite his poor performance in his first debate with Donald Trump.

Speaking with the Washington Post's Amy Gardner, Colby Itkowitz and Nicole Markus, one delegate from Michigan, Joshua Ferguson, bluntly stated, "I’m all in, riding with Biden."

"He has done so much for my community that I’ll back him 1,000%. I’m not concerned. I’m not voting for who’s best on television. I’m voting for who can pass the best legislation, who’s best in Washington, and Biden is definitely that," Ferguson added.

The Post reports, "Biden’s overall standing among delegates appears to remain strong — for now, at least. Delegates span a wide range of job categories and backgrounds. While some are prominent politicians, the vast majority are local party officials and activists for whom politics is a passion, not a profession. Most delegates who agreed to speak with The Post in recent days have made clear that they continue to support the president and hope he stays in the race."

20-year-old Kaylee Werner enthused, "I was elected by my community, and I’m going to be obviously voting with them in mind. They put me in this position to vote for President Biden, and I’m excited to show up and do just that.”

Texan Nancy Nichols, 68, [pushed back at changing her allegiance, stating, "If you are a Biden delegate, you are a Biden delegate, period.”

Gary Fisher of Las Vegas claimed he was not going to let one debate stumble change his mind.

“Joe Biden for over 50 years has had the backs of everyday Americans,” he remarked. “And I’m not going to not have his back after one bad performance."

You can read more here.

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