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WBSC Women's Softball World Cup - 59 years of success and glory

With 10 days to go to the WBSC Women's Softball World Cup Finals, here's an historic look back at one of the WBSC's longest running tournaments. The 17th edition of the WBSC Women's Softball World Cup is the first played under the two-stage format. USA won the last edition in 2018 and are the defending World Champions after claiming gold at the 2022 World Games.

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<p>When the winners of the <a href="">WBSC Women's Softball World Cup Finals</a> are crowned in Castions di Strada, Italy on 20 July, they will continue a tremendous history of world class international women's softball and inspirational sports' stars.</p>

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<p>Four countries have had the honour of being named world champions - USA (12 times), Japan (3 times), Australia (once) and New Zealand (once). Add China, Canada Chinese Taipei and the Philippines to the podium over the <a href="">59-year history of the tournament</a> and you have 51 medals shared over eight countries/territories. </p>

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<p>A total of 63 countries/territories have participated in the WBSC Women's Softball World Cup. Including five who featured in the first edition, when the International Softball Federation (ISF) launched the Women's Softball World Championship in 1965. </p>

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<p>When the maiden edition took place in Melbourne, hosts Australia finished ahead of USA, Japan, New Zealand and Papua New Guinea. </p>

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<p>In this current edition, we have had 18 teams participate across three groups last year, including three first-time host countries Ireland, Spain and Italy, with a bumper finale now set to take place in Castions di Strada from 15-20 July, featuring eight teams chasing World Cup glory. </p>

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<p>Here's an historic look at each team. </p>

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<h2 class="has-text-align-center"><strong>GROUP A</strong></h2>

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<ul><li><strong>WSWC Appearances: </strong>17</li><li><strong>Highest Finish</strong>: Champion 11 times (1974, 1978, 1986, 1990, 1994, 1998, 2002, 2006, 2010, 2016, 2019)</li><li><strong>2018 Finish</strong>: Champion</li><li><strong>World Ranking</strong>: 1 </li></ul>

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<p><a href="" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener" aria-label="Four Olympians feature on USA World Cup roster (opens in a new tab)">Four Olympians feature on USA World Cup roster</a></p>

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<ul><li><strong>WSWC Appearances: </strong>16</li><li><strong>Highest Finish</strong>: 2nd (1978)</li><li><strong>2018 Finish</strong>: 3rd</li><li><strong>World Ranking</strong>: 5 </li></ul>

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<p><a href="" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener" aria-label="Six Olympians in Canada's preliminary roster (opens in a new tab)">Six Olympians in Canada's preliminary roster</a></p>

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<ul><li><strong>WSWC Appearances: </strong>13</li><li><strong>Highest Finish</strong>: 5th (1990)</li><li><strong>2018 Finish</strong>: 7th</li><li><strong>World Ranking</strong>: 6 </li></ul>

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<p><a href="" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener" aria-label="Head coach Federico Pizzolini believes Italy can compete (opens in a new tab)">Head coach Federico Pizzolini believes Italy can compete</a></p>

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<ul><li><strong>WSWC Appearances: </strong>11</li><li><strong>Highest Finish</strong>: 2nd (1986, 1994)</li><li><strong>2018 Finish</strong>: 10th</li><li><strong>World Ranking</strong>: 17 </li></ul>

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<h2 class="has-text-align-center"><strong>GROUP B</strong></h2>

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<h3><strong>PUERTO RICO</strong></h3>

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<ul><li><strong>WSWC Appearances: </strong>10</li><li><strong>Highest Finish</strong>: 5th (1986, 2018)</li><li><strong>2018 Finish</strong>:5th</li><li><strong>World Ranking</strong>: 2 </li></ul>

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<p><a href="" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener" aria-label="Puerto Rico aims at first World Cup medal (opens in a new tab)">Puerto Rico aims at first World Cup medal</a></p>

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<ul><li><strong>WSWC Appearances: </strong>17</li><li><strong>Highest Finish</strong>: Champion three times (1970, 2012, 2014)</li><li><strong>2018 Finish</strong>: 2nd</li><li><strong>World Ranking</strong>: 3 </li></ul>

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<p>H<a href="" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener" aria-label="ead coach Reika Utsugi emphasises speed and defence for Japan (opens in a new tab)">ead coach Reika Utsugi emphasises speed and defence for Japan</a></p>

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<ul><li><strong>WSWC Appearances: </strong>14</li><li><strong>Highest Finish</strong>: 4th (2016)</li><li><strong>2018 Finish</strong>: 8th</li><li><strong>World Ranking</strong>: 8 </li></ul>

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<p><a href="" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener" aria-label="Head coach Ferenc Jongejan wants to lead Netherlands to Super Round (opens in a new tab)">Head coach Ferenc Jongejan wants to lead Netherlands to Super Round</a></p>

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<ul><li><strong>WSWC Appearances: </strong>16</li><li><strong>Highest Finish</strong>: Champion (1965)</li><li><strong>2018 Finish</strong>: 4th</li><li><strong>World Ranking</strong>: 10</li></ul>

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<p><a rel="noreferrer noopener" aria-label="Australia aiming for podium finish (opens in a new tab)" href="" target="_blank">Australia aiming for podium finish</a></p>

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<p>The United States won the last edition of the Women's Softball World Cup in <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener" aria-label="2018 (opens in a new tab)">2018</a>. The <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener" aria-label="2022 World Games (opens in a new tab)">2022 World Games</a> awarded the last Women's Softball World Title. The US won the eight-team tournament ahead of Japan, Chinese Taipei, Australia, Puerto Rico, Canada, Italy and Mexico.</p>

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