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Leaf Curl on Peach Trees: What It Is and How to Fix It | The Fruit Grove

We may receive commissions from purchases made through links in this post, at no additional cost to you.Peach trees are notorious for becoming victims of various diseases and pests. The twisting, warty look of curling peach tree leaves can scare even an experienced gardener. But will it affect the overall health of the tree? Is there anything that can be done to control the spread of leaf curl on peach trees?Curling leaves on a peach tree indicate infection with the fungal disease known as peach leaf curl. The best treatment for this disease is prevention by spraying with a copper fungicide during the dormant season. Leaf curl can decrease peach production but is rarely fatal to peach trees.With a little bit of understanding about how peach leaf curl spreads and shows symptoms, a gardener can easily minimize (or even eliminate!) issues with this fungus. Continue reading to find out why leaf curl develops, its effect on peach trees, and how to manage and prevent infections.What causes p...

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