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Power Cut & No Electricity Guide - British Gas

We’ve put together a handy guide to help you in the event of a power cut. Let’s check if it’s actually a power cut.The first step is easy. Take a look outside and if the streetlights are on and your neighbours still have power, it’s more likely to be an issue inside your home rather than a power cut.Check your fuse box to make sure all your switches are on. If you’re on a Pay As You Go meter, make sure you have enough credit. If there are no tripped switches and you still can’t get to the bottom of it, call a qualified electrician rather than attempting to fix anything yourself. Power cuts explained Why are there power cuts?The UK has many energy suppliers like us, who supply energy to customers and businesses.Distribution Network Operators own, maintain and operate the wires and cables which transport your electricity to you. The operators work hard to maintain these systems and react when there is a power cut in their area.Power cuts can sometimes happen and are usually caused by one...

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