News in English

Re: England ???????????????????????????? vs Switzerland ????????

Le Mod
Blue in CT
saint andrew
Has there ever been a team in the history of the world who have passed back to their goalkeeper more than England.

Liverpool in the 70s according to my old man.

Late to this thread but your old man is so right - Liverpool in the 70s were the masters of boring everyone to sleep as well as being some of the most dirty feckers who ever played football. The beautiful game it was not

Before the pass back rule?
He used to tell me they would bore teams into submission pretty much.
I mean he was a forest fan and has always had a hatred for Liverpool even more so after the Worthy cup we got screwed out of ????

Wasn’t around in the 70s but weren’t Clough’s Forest notorious for shithousing like this? Isn’t this how they won the European Cup? Pretty sure they bored their way to a 0-0 at Anfield along the way

I don’t know mate.
He didn’t say they were a poor team or didn’t have good players, just think it was how they went about it.
I mean he hated Leeds under Revie too but I think that one was more common.
He is my old man but he is an opinionated moaning git.
Then he got me into following Blues.
I have alot to thank him for ????

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