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Opinion: It’s Time to Get Used to the Idea of President Kamala Harris

Photo Illustration by Erin O’Flynn/The Daily Beast/Reuters

While the debate over Joe Biden’s future has raised many questions, it has made one thing much clearer. It is time for Americans to get used to the idea of President Kamala Harris.

For Democrats who are advocates that their party stay the course with Biden as candidate, one of the leading arguments you will see or hear made these days is that should anything make it impossible for him to continue with the campaign or as president, Harris is fully ready to assume the reins of power. It is a point made with increasing frequency by Biden-Harris supporters on social and other media platforms these days.

A widely-circulated Google document, entitled “Unburdened by What Has Been: The Case for Kamala,” has caused quite the stir among Democrats and on social media. The buzz around the VP may only increase given the distinctly lukewarm-to-negative response to Biden’s ABC News interview Friday night, which, far from reassuring his supporters, has done little to silence calls for him to withdraw from the race.

Read more at The Daily Beast.

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