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Roadkill That Never Rots - Chapter 1 - funfettiii - The Secret History

Chapter TextSTORY ONE:CHRONOS'Is your figure less than Greek?Is your mouth a little weakWhen you open it to speak?Are you smart?But don't change a hair for meNot if you care for meStay little Valentine stayEach day is Valentine's day.'―Frank Sinatra, My Funny ValentineCHAPTER ONE Bunny retrieved his shoe from the rain-soaked grass, peeled a dead leaf from the sole and hurled it towards the window. He watched it arc in the air, the laces whipping wildly, with his mouth agape and a drunkard’s youthful fascination at simple, day-to-day happenings. It thumped against the windowpane before tumbling to the floor and landing before him. He lurched towards it and keeled over in the grass. There was the stale taste of today’s celebrations burnt onto his tongue; Marion’s oily lipstick that bled into the smile lines cinching her mouth, plain chips and fiery whisky. When he’d drunk it, spurred on by the cry of, “Chug! Chug! Chug!” Bunny had dribbled the alcohol down his shirt and it had already be...

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