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Get Moving!

Ms. Kat shared some great movement activities - some of these are a favorite of the secondary class! 10+1 Active ActivitiesChildren have a lot of energy. It is important to continue to do fine and gross motor movement activities at home in order to enhance their movements.1. Leap frog: this game helps get children’s energy out quickly. If you do not want to have your child leap over you, you could use stuffed animals for your child to leap over.2. Simon Says: This game is great to help your child use listening skills while still being active. 3. Mirror, Mirror: Pick one person to be the leader. That person makes a movement and the other players mirror the leader’s movement. 4. Color scavenger hunt: Say a color and see how fast your child can find 5 items of that color. This is great activity for both active and academic reasons.5. Flashlight I spy: I used to love playing this game when I was young. This works best at night, when it is dark. Start with one person who is the “I Spy-er” n...

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