News in English

My card is lost/stolen - Studentenreisproduct

My card is lost/stolen If your personal OV-chipkaart has been stolen or you have lost your card, please report this as soon as possible. First report your card lost/stolenReport your card lost or stolen through My OV-chip. If you don’t have a My OV-chip account, please report to OV-chipkaart Customer Services on telephone number 0900-0980 (normal phone cost). They will block your personal card for further use within 24 hours of your notification. Good to know: a blocked card cannot be unblocked again! So first find out if you’re card is really lost.Immediately apply for a replacement card.When you report your card lost/stolen, you can apply for a replacement card right away. You’ll receive a replacement card within three working days.Apply for a temporary student travel productWhile you’re waiting for your replacement card it’s possible to use a temporary student travel product. First you have to buy a anonymous OV-chipkaart (if you don’t have one yet) and then you can apply for a temp...

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