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Lead Roswell investigator revealed SECOND UFO crash site with alien found ‘still breathing’, his grandson says 77yrs on

THE lead investigator of the infamous Roswell crash revealed a second UFO site where an alien “was found still breathing”, according to his grandson.

77 years after the incident that sparked wild alien conspiracies around the world, Jesse Marcel spoke to The Sun about what his grandfather found in the New Mexico desert.

Jesse Marcel, head intelligence officer, initially investigated and recovered some of the debris from the Roswell UFO site[/caption]
Dr Jesse Marcel, left, and his father Major Jesse Marcel, right
Roswell is supposedly a UFO crash site in New Mexico, USA[/caption]
The grandson of the lead Roswell investigator, also Jesse Marcel, says a second site was discovered

Jesse Marcel Snr was the first military officer tasked with investigating the 1947 Roswell incident – where “flying disc” debris was found near a New Mexico ranch.

But after Marcel retired, he revealed to a ufologist that he believed the parts discovered were extraterrestrial.

He is also believed to have stopped on the way to an army base to show his son, Jesse Marcel II, the bizarre materials, telling the youngster they were pieces of a flying saucer.

Rumours spread like wildfire after the US Army Air Forces made a U-turn on a press release a day later – claiming the wreckage was merely a crashed weather balloon.

Decades on, some people have still argued that the balloon crash was a cover-up and are demanding answers from the US government.

Marcel, who worked as a TV repairman in his final years, died in June 1986 but revealed what appears to be top-secret information about the crash.

His grandson has dropped bombshell claims which add another tantalising twist to the tale.

Speaking to the Sun, his grandson, also Jesse Marcel, says “very credible sources” saw the three extra-terrestrial corpses among the wreckage and even said one was “still breathing” at a second crash site.

However, the location of the mysterious second crash site is not known.

The 57-year-old also says he’s tracked down a mystery “beam” from the spacecraft more than 50 years after all evidence of Roswell was “vacuumed up.”

The bizarre object is said to be “lighter than a feather but as strong as steel” and could hold the answers to many questions left unanswered about the crash.

Jesse said: “The way he put it there was a second crash site which is a bigger part of the ship.

“He worked with people who investigated the second site. They kind of compartmentalise things in the military.

“They said that there were alien bodies in the second crash site…there are supposedly up to three bodies.

“A couple of them died in the crash but one was still alive. He didn’t go to specifics but just said ‘Listen to these people’ because what they were saying was true.

Jesse believes Major Marcel was forced to keep quiet and “threatened several times”.

He thinks this was because the government desperately tried to cover up the “top secret” crash and tried to dismiss it as an “army weather balloon”.

Debris from the collision site suspiciously disappeared soon after meaning no trace was left for scientists to examine or investigate.

But now Jesse believes he has made a crucial discovery and has located a piece of debris which could shed light on what is “ground zero of the modern UFO mystery”.

He says his lieutenant colonel grandfather even brought the debris home to show his young son and that under a light mystery symbols appeared.

He said: “I’m pretty sure I know where a piece is. 

“There’s certain problems with getting to it but I do believe I know because I followed the breadcrumbs of pieces that went through the hands of people that were involved.”

Jesse said he is the only person on the planet who knows where the object is and believes it’s a “beam as light as a feather but as strong as steel.”

He explained how soon after the discovery the Major returned home late at night with some of the wreckage and showed his son.

He added: “When my father was looking at the debris in their kitchen
he went over the sink and looked at one of the beams under the little light.

“He said, when you put it at an angle also, and you could see these symbols appear.”

The Roswell Incident

By Elizabeta Ranxburgaj

One of the world’s most talked-about questions stemmed from a U.S. Army Air Forces press release from the summer of 1947.

The document noted that they had discovered a “flying disc” from a ranch near the small city of Roswell, New Mexico.

Some believers have claimed an extraterrestrial spacecraft crashed into the desert, leaving debris and alien bodies.

The mystery has spurred rumours and ideas that this moment came to be a decades-long cover-up by the government.

A local rancher reported finding debris in the area and had an intelligence officer, Jesse Marcel, come to the site and take more debris.

The mystery became rampant after the US military made a major u-turn 24 hours later and said the UFO rumors had been a mistake and explained the debris was from a crashed weather balloon.

Decades on, some people have still argued that the balloon crash was a cover-up for something more sinister or extraterrestrial.

It comes as a real-life Fox Mulder claimed discovering just one fragment from the crash could force the US government to disclose its UFO secrets.

UFO expert, Nick Pope, told The Sun: “Roswell is literally the ground zero of the modern UFO mystery.

“If you stop someone in the street who has no interest or particular belief in UFOs, there’s a good chance they’ll have heard of Roswell.

He added: “If any wreckage or debris from the crash still exists and was discovered – today’s testing could immediately ascertain whether the UFO was from outer space – or earth.

A couple of them died in the crash but one was still alive. He didn’t go to specifics but just said ‘listen to these people’ because what they were saying was true.

Jesse Marcel

“It only takes one critical piece of evidence that can blow the thing wide open.”

Major Marcel rarely talked to Jesse or his father about Roswell and Jesse believes this was being “threatened” and “under pressure” by someone unknown.

Jesse recalled: “At one point he mentioned to us that if he was to talk about it, they’d find his bones in the desert.”

He added that the phones of family members were “tapped” and officials would turn up at his grandfather’s house and say Roswell was a “non-event”.

Although the Major was reluctant to share any information about what he saw he did state that the debris found at the crash site were “extraterrestrial.”

He added: “I don’t remember us talking much about that other than he believed or knew that we weren’t alone in the universe.”

Brig. General Roger M. Ramey and Col. Thomas J. Dubose identify metallic fragments as pieces of a weather balloon
Jesse Marcel said there were aliens found at a second Roswell crash site[/caption]
A photo from the US Air Force’s “Roswell Report” released in 1997 showing alleged “body bags” from the scene
The Welcome to Roswell sign greets visitors on the outskirts of Roswell, New Mexico[/caption]

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