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The infernal-cursed humanoids of the world of Godsen. Anatomy Tieflings have 2 arms, 2 legs, a tail, and horns. Each arm has a hand with 5 fingers, and each leg can either have a foot with 5 toes, or hooves and a goat-like lower half, without the hair. Biological Traits Most Tieflings are of Asmodeus. Tieflings of the other Archdevils of the Hells tend to only change their spellcasting abilities. Genetics and Reproduction Tieflings can come to existence in many different ways.The first is through simple Tiefling and Tiefling mating. They give live birth, and pregnancies last around 8 months.Tieflings can also come out when mating with a Human, or if two humans with devilish blood in them mate, there is a chance to create a Tieflings.Tieflings can also appear if either a Tiefling or a Human Mates with a Devil. The Humanoid must be Female, as they have to bear the Tiefling, as if the Devil bears the child, a Cambion will be born instead.Finally, A Tiefling can be born if a human gives bi...

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