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How to Get a Perfect 5 o’clock Shadow | Gillette UK

The 5 o’clock shadow has long been a look that men have tried to avoid, but designer stubble has become a stylish look all of its own in recent years.If you’re dressed smart, you’ve been taking care of your skin and your facial hair looks neat, there’s no reason why you can’t make a 5 o clock shadow beard work for you.If you remove 5 o’clock shadow growth everyday it can quickly become time consuming so styling this look saves on time and effort.Whether you end up with a 5 o’clock shadow most afternoons anyway, or if you like the idea of having designer stubble rather than the beard you’ve got at the moment, Gillette shaving equipment makes the perfect 5 o’clock shadow razor to help you to keep this look smart and stylish.What is a 5 o’clock Shadow?‘5 o’clock shadow’ refers to the faint stubble growth that many men get in the late afternoon when it’s been a whole day or so since their last shave.When it used to be the social norm to shave every single morning or be seen as scruffy, it...

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