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How To Grow & Trim The Perfect Designer Stubble

Is Stubble Attractive?In 2008, biological psychologists, Dr Nick Neave and Kerry Shields of Northumbria University studied the effects of facial hair on female perceptions of attractiveness, masculinity and dominance in male faces.Analysing 60 women, they concluded that men with light Stubble were considered to be the most attractive. Furthermore, itwas also preferred for both short and long-term relationships.You could interpret these findings by concluding that Stubble appears more attractive as the onset of facial hair displays a man’s capabilities of growth. Facial hair denotes maturity and masculinity, which equally denotes strength and vitality.Every man has worn itnumerous times in their life but often the look is incidental rather than intentional. When deliberately crafted, Stubble’s laissez-faire imagery appears effortless and edges towards Sprezzatura (studied carelessness).However, although it does require effort, some is needed to avoid appearing dishevelled.Why Wear Beard...

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