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'Not subject to immunity': Dem bill would revive Trump prosecution for election crimes

Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) revealed his plan to introduce legislation that would classify election subversion by the president as an unofficial act.

Schumer spoke on the Senate floor Monday after the U.S. Supreme Court's recent decision giving Donald Trump immunity for official acts he took as president.

"They incorrectly declared that former President Donald Trump enjoys broad immunity from criminal prosecution for actions he took while in office," Schumer said of the high court. "We were all taught in grade school that there are no kings here in America, but what the conservative justices have done is effectively place a crown on Donald Trump's head."

"Presidential immunity is nowhere to be found in the Constitution, and this lawless ruling underscores just how hollow the conservative justices' commitment to originalism truly is," he continued.

ALSO READ: How to survive Supreme Court stupidity without losing your mind

Schumer said Democrats would address the decision with legislation.

"The Constitution makes plain that Congress has the authority to check the judiciary through appropriate legislation," he noted. "I will work with my colleagues on legislation classifying Trump's election subversion acts as unofficial acts, not subject to immunity."

"The American people are tired, just tired, of justices who think they are beyond accountability," Schumer added.

Watch the video below from C-SPAN.

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