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Congressman gives proof how Biden weaponized DOJ against Trump

Joe Biden delivers remarks in the White House Rose Garden on testing negative after his mild case of COVID-19, Wednesday, July 27, 2022. (Official White House photo by Cameron Smith)

Joe Biden delivers remarks in the White House Rose Garden on testing negative after his mild case of COVID-19, Wednesday, July 27, 2022. (Official White House photo by Cameron Smith)

Joe Biden is responsible for the weaponization of the federal government, and Americans must make sure it never happens against.

That's the message in a new video from the House Judiciary GOP, which has released a posting in which Rep. Troy Nehls, R-Texas, explains the proof.

Nehls explains first and foremost, Biden's attorney general, Merrick Garland, appointed the so-called "non-partisan" Jack Smith to pursue Trump.

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But he explains Smith is anything but non-partisan, having tried to destroy Gov. Robert McDonald only to lose 8-0 at the Supreme Court.

Smith, too, has made a career of targeting conservatives, and his wife was a producer for leftist Michelle Obama's "documentary."

In a state prosecution of Trump in Georgia, District Attorney Fani Willis sent her "former lover" and lead Trump attacker Nathan Wade to meet with Biden's "inner circle" as soon as Trump announced his candidacy.

There's more, Nehls explained, with Manhattan DA Alvin Bragg campaigning on the promise to get Trump and then having Biden's No. 3 operative at the DOJ move to his local office to charge Trump with misdemeanors that had expired.

The judge in that case actually refused to excuse himself even though his daughter was fundraising off her father's political courtroom decisions at the time the case was going on.

Biden even admitted the agenda, demanding that people make sure Trump "does not become the next president."

Nehls said actually it's time to make sure such weaponization never happens again.

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