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UN Condemns Taliban’s Morality Ministry as human rights abuser

The UN Mission in Afghanistan condemns the Ministry for the Promotion of Virtue and Prevention of Vice (MPVPV) for human rights violations, noting 1,033 arbitrary punishments. The report details 205 cases of women and 828 cases of men mistreated. Concerns were raised over increased powers granted to the MPVPV by the Taliban. MPVPV actions negatively […]

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The UN Mission in Afghanistan condemns the Ministry for the Promotion of Virtue and Prevention of Vice (MPVPV) for human rights violations, noting 1,033 arbitrary punishments.

The report details 205 cases of women and 828 cases of men mistreated. Concerns were raised over increased powers granted to the MPVPV by the Taliban.

MPVPV actions negatively impact citizens’ rights, especially women, through threats, detention, harassment, abuse, and public flogging.

The MPVPV’s role includes media monitoring, participating in the Media Violations Commission, and overseeing various societal aspects.

From August 2021 to March 2024, the MPVPV imposed bans on music, hookahs, human images, public statues, and cultural celebrations.

UNAMA underscores these restrictions infringe on cultural participation rights, disproportionately affecting women.

Privacy violations include intrusive searches, mosque surveillance, and questioning couples in public.

1,033 documented cases show the MPVPV using force to enforce its directives.

Restrictions on Media

The MPVPV severely restricts media, prohibiting music, comedy, and foreign content and increasing limitations on women’s presence in media.

It’s a member of the Taliban’s Media Violations Commission, enforcing strict dress codes for women in media appearances.

Restrictions on Women’s Travel

Under MPVPV guidelines, women need a male chaperone for travels exceeding 78 kilometres, with varying local directives.

In November 2022, Nangarhar women were barred from clinics without a chaperone, later eased.

In Balkh, taxi services refuse unaccompanied women, echoing Herat’s shopping restrictions in September 2023.

Women’s Businesses Restrictions

Despite Taliban promises, the MPVPV arbitrarily closes women’s businesses, replaces male with female shopkeepers, and dictates tailors’ operations.

The UN urges Taliban compliance with international conventions to uphold citizens’ rights in Afghanistan.

The post UN Condemns Taliban’s Morality Ministry as human rights abuser appeared first on Khaama Press.

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