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Trump’s platform is a gift for abortion foes. He hopes nobody notices

In the wake of Donald Trump’s desperate attempt to distance himself from Project 2025, the radical government blueprint developed by an extremist faction of former Trump administration officials and close allies, he and his team wrote the Republican Party’s official platform with an eye toward hoodwinking the public on abortion. While the platform includes calculated changes to the language around this key election-year issue, it is otherwise full-on, fascist Trump.

This time around, Team Trump dropped language from the 2016 platform, which carried over to 2020, that stated the GOP believes “the unborn child has a fundamental right to life which cannot be infringed.” That omission led a number of outlets to report—as CNN and The Washington Post have—that the platform “softens” language on abortion. It does not. The GOP is not backing away from its extremist anti-choice stance.

That’s clear in this statement from the platform:

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