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Parkinson's expert: I could have diagnosed Biden from 'across the mall'


Joe Biden in the first presidential debate in Atlanta, Georgia, on Thursday, June 27, 2024.An expert on Parkinson's disease says he could have diagnosed Joe Biden with the neurodegenerative ailment from "across the mall." The comment came from Dr. Tom Pitts, a Democrat and board-certified neurologist, who said in an interview with NBC News that Biden is showing obvious symptoms. NEW: Parkinson's expert Dr. Tom Pitts tells NBC that…

Joe Biden in the first presidential debate in Atlanta, Georgia, on Thursday, June 27, 2024.
Joe Biden in the first presidential debate in Atlanta, Georgia, on Thursday, June 27, 2024.

Joe Biden in the first presidential debate in Atlanta, Georgia, on Thursday, June 27, 2024.

An expert on Parkinson's disease says he could have diagnosed Joe Biden with the neurodegenerative ailment from "across the mall."

The comment came from Dr. Tom Pitts, a Democrat and board-certified neurologist, who said in an interview with NBC News that Biden is showing obvious symptoms.

Calls for Biden to step away from the 2024 presidential race, even the White House, are surging following his recent catastrophically poor showing during a presidential debate with President Donald Trump.

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Pitts explained it's easy to diagnose Biden with a neurological-degeneration just from his recent public appearances.

Pitts explained, "It's ironic because he has the classic features of neurodegeneration, word-finding difficulties, and that’s not, oh, I couldn’t find the word, that’s from degeneration of the word retrieval area."

He cited Biden's rigidity, his soft voice, his masked face, his tremors, and such.

Those symptoms are the "hallmarks" of Parkinson's, he said.

"I could have diagnosed him from across the mall," he said.

White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre refused to answer questions on the topic directly, claiming only Biden is not being treated for Parkinson's.

Pitts described Biden as a "wreck in slow motion."

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