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I’m a nutritionist – forget Ozempic, my 11 hunger-busting foods will help you lose weight for summer & they cost pennies

IT is the weight-loss wonder drug on everyone’s lips, but is Ozempic all it is cracked up to be? 

While the jab suppresses appetite, sudden fat loss can lead to loose skin, sagging breasts and even thinning hair

Nutritionist Beanne Robinson of The Health Space speaks to Fabulous
Weight-loss wonder drug Ozempic has been linked to health issues[/caption]

What’s more, a study by Harvard Medical School has linked Ozempic to an eye condition that causes blindness.

But what if you could get the drug’s appetite-suppressing effect simply by eating foods that curb cravings

Nutritionist Beanie Robinson of The Health Space, tells Sarah Morton which grub brings Ozempic’s benefits – without the risks . . .

Cottage cheese

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Social media favourite cottage cheese is more than just a trend[/caption]

SALES of the dairy dish have shot up recently thanks to social media influencers sharing their recipe ideas.

But cottage cheese is more than just a trend.

Its popularity has a lot to do with the fact it’s low in fat and carbs, but high in protein, meaning it keeps you fuller for longer.

BEANIE SAYS: Cottage cheese makes for a great snack and is perfect with an oat cake, which is high in fibre and also contributes to keeping you full.

“I’d suggest a couple of spoonfuls of an organic, full-fat variety at breakfast to set you up for the day.”


Eggs can make you feel full for at least three hours[/caption]

THE trusty egg has many benefits, including promoting good brain health, liver function and energy levels.

But studies have shown that they can also keep you satisfied long after you eat them.

Beanie encourages her clients to eat them for breakfast, and claims they could make you feel full for at least three hours.

BEANIE SAYS: “Eggs are so filling and are packed with protein. And there’s so much you can do with them.

“I’d pair them with foods containing ‘good’ fats, like avocado or nuts, to get the maximum benefits.”


Popcorn shouldn’t be a regular option due to its sugar content, but it can fill you up[/caption]

NOT just for munching at the movies, popcorn is a great option for keeping you satisfied because it is a low-glycemic food.

This means you will not experience sudden spikes and drops in your blood sugar levels – which can trigger hunger cravings – after you eat it.

But avoid sweetened varieties and stick to low-salt, low-fat options. 

BEANIE SAYS: “Popcorn can come with a lot of sugar attached, so it shouldn’t be a go-to, regular option.

“I’d look to consume more nutritional foods more often, but it does the job as a snack.” 


Some evidence suggests potatoes can even suppress appetite[/caption]

SPUDS are high on the list of foods that keep you feeling full as they are loaded with water, contain fibre and protein and almost no fat.

Some evidence suggests that the P12 protein they contain may even suppress appetite.

But beware, greasy, potato-based snacks don’t count.

BEANIE SAYS: “Avoid consuming foods like crisps and chips.

“There’s nothing wrong with a simple, boiled potato and there are loads of wonderful ways to use them, such as in a tuna salad with an egg.

“Or perhaps switch it up for a sweet potato, a complex carb that does the same job.”


Avocados will crush your hunger cravings[/caption]

GEN Z’s favourite brunch food is so much more than an overpriced Sunday morning toast topping.

You can pick up avocados for as little as 75p each, and thanks to the good fats and fibre they contain, they will crush those hunger cravings.

BEANIE SAYS: “Foods containing healthy ‘good’ fats are linked to keeping us full –  and avocado is a great example.

“Pair with some high-protein foods, like black beans or eggs, and you have a winner.”

Brussels Sprouts

Sprouts shouldn’t just be eaten at Christmas due to their nutritional value

LOVE them or loathe them, there is no denying that sprouts are a perfect no-zempic veggie.

Rich in fibre and low in calories, they also provide a variety of essential vitamins and minerals – so there’s no excuse to only eat them at Christmas

BEANIE SAYS: “Sprouts are fantastically nutritious and they’re great at supporting liver function.

“Sauté them with some onions and serve with yoghurt for a yummy treat.”


Chocolate can be a godsend when it comes to dieting[/caption]

BELIEVE it or not, chocs can be a godsend when it comes to dieting – as a little nibble can help to satisfy sugar cravings thanks to the high fibre content.

Dark chocolate, in particular, is a great option to help stave off extra snacking as it is higher in fibre and lower in fat than milk chocolate.

BEANIE SAYS: “It’s great as a mid-afternoon treat, when you’re hitting that 4pm slump.

“Go for the darkest form possible, ideally over 70 per cent cocoa, for the best results, and pair with some almond butter for a really filling snack.” 


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Apples are a great option, especially when combined with nuts[/caption]

THESE affordable fruits contain a combination of water and fibre, which makes them really filling.

Plus, they take longer to eat, which gives you more time to register that you are full and not to eat more. 

Munching on whole apples is considerably more filling than a glass of apple juice, too. 

BEANIE SAYS: “Apples are a perfect snack for keeping hunger at bay and a great distraction from feeling hungry, simply because they take ages to consume.

“Ideally combine with a handful of nuts, which are full of healthy fats.

“Together, they make a really delicious pairing.”


Fish are packed with protein and support brain function[/caption]

FISH in most forms, including white, oily and shellfish, is a great option to stop you snacking between meals.

Packed with protein, it’s also great for brain function and joints. 

BEANIE SAYS: “Small, oily fish like sardines and mackerel are high in healthy fats, so they’d be my go-to option.

“You can pair fish with just about anything and it will taste fantastic.

“It’s a really versatile, delicious option.”

Black beans

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Black beans make you feel fuller for longer[/caption]

THESE often overlooked sources of protein and iron contain pectin, a soluble fibre that can make you feel fuller for longer and gives your body more time to absorb nutrients.

They are almost fat-free, too. 

BEANIE SAYS: “Black beans are a brilliant option – they go with just about anything.

“Combine with other high-protein veggies, such as broccoli, and you have a brilliant dinner option.

“I also love incorporating them into a breakfast dish, paired with avocado and sweetcorn, for instance.” 


Bananas keep you full because of the resistant starch they contain[/caption]

THEY are the perfect food to keep you full up thanks to the resistant starch they contain.

Like most of the other foods on this list, they also provide a decent source of protein. However, as they are high in sugar, don’t go overboard. 

BEANIE SAYS: “Because of their sugar content, I would advise people to watch the quantity of bananas they are consuming. 

“For instance, if you’re making a smoothie, they’re a great option to include, but maybe have half a banana instead of a whole.

“It will still do the job.” 


Carrots can keep the digestive system healthy and balance glucose levels[/caption]

A HUGE source of fibre, scoffing carrots can help keep the digestive system healthy and balance blood glucose levels, all while keeping you feeling full. 

BEANIE SAYS: “Carrots are a tough, raw fibre, which some people find a bit tricky to digest when munched raw.

“However, everybody is different, and it’s equally as beneficial to sauté, roast orsteam them, if you prefer them a bit softer.

“Either way, you’re getting a multitude of vitamins and they are perfect for balancing out glucose levels.”

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