News in English


My friend and colleague, Jeff Buley, passed away on Tuesday, April 25. He was 62 years old. Jeff was a giant in the business; first with state government and later with the state Republican party and Senate Republican Campaign Committee. He was a top healthcare lawyer and policy expert and one of the best election lawyers in the country. Jeff was the first lawyer and government relations consultant we hired almost 20 years ago. He was critical to our early survival and ultimate success. Elected officials and staff sought him out as much as he sought them out. He gave us instant credibility and cache with the senate majority and Republican leadership throughout the state.I could not believe my good luck to partner with someone as talented as Jeff, who I also admired professionally. Jeff lead the way by recommending we bring on Neil Benjamin, himself a pillar in the healthcare world. It was the shot heard ‘round the world for us – Jeff did that. Later, he suggested we hire Alex Betke and...

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