Quali-Pro: GATEWAY For Summertime Control of Pythium
Photo: Quali-Pro
Maintaining turfgrass and landscape areas during the summer can be challenging. Despite our best efforts, summer stresses such as regular mowing, trimming, and extreme weather conditions (both hot and wet) can significantly impact the health of your turf and plants, regardless of whether you’re in northern or southern climates.
Gateway® is a versatile product ideal for both rescue and preventative applications. When dealing with active disease and needing an effective solution, apply Gateway at 0.9 oz per 1,000 sq. ft. This will help you achieve control during overseeding in the South or during the summer heat in the North. Additionally, Gateway is effective against Pythium Root Rot, a particularly difficult disease to control.
Quali-Pro offers a comprehensive range of products to address various turf issues.
Visit quali-pro.com to learn more.
<p>The post Quali-Pro: GATEWAY For Summertime Control of Pythium first appeared on Golfdom.</p>