News in English

This chart will tell you how biased your favorite news source is

The New York Times was a failing newspaper before changing its business model to muckraking on Trump. Fox News had to drop its “Fair and Balanced” motto because that’s false advertising. CNN should be renamed the “Know-Nothing Network.” Info Wars‘ listeners are freakin’ certifiable.If you’ve spent any time on social media, or in the inescapable presence of extended family, you’ve heard someone slagging on the news sources they disagree with. Their main grievance is, of course, how biased and unfair those news sources are when compared to their reliable, fact-based preferences.While a mere annoyance in that moment, such mindsets have become a widespread social ill. We as a society require a consensus of truth to make sound social decisions, and the news is one of the gatekeepers to the facts required to build those truths. When news content begins to prioritize opinions and tribalistic tendencies over journalistic integrity, it clouds the entire media landscape with suspicion, deepens p...

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