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Morning Digest: What happens if Arizona passes dueling ballot measures to reshape its elections?

The Morning Digest is compiled by David Nir, Jeff Singer, and Stephen Wolf, with additional contributions from the Daily Kos Elections team.

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AZ Ballot: Arizona is one of several states that could dramatically alter how it elects its officials, but dueling ballot measures could take the state in two very different directions.

The bipartisan group Make Elections Fair Arizona last Wednesday announced that it had submitted over 584,000 signatures to place a proposed constitutional amendment on the fall ballot that would do away with the state's current partisan primary system starting in 2026. County election officials have until Aug. 22 to verify that the group has turned in about 384,000 valid signatures―a figure that represents 15% of the votes for governor in the prior election.

MEFA's amendment would require all the candidates, regardless of party, to run on one ballot for races for Congress, as well as for state and county offices where only one person can win.

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