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How Long Should You Stay at a Job?

Whether you’re seeking new growth opportunities or feel stuck in an unfulfilling job, there will come a time when you think about leaving your current job.Gone are the days of working at the same company for decades. As part of your career development, it’s important to gain experience and acquire new skills to help you land your next job. But you don’t want to leave your current role too quickly. Which brings up the question, just how long should you stay at a job?There’s no magic number or hard requirements, only recommendations based on your circumstances. This article walks through the average job tenure and guidelines for how long to stay in a job based on various situations.Struggling to land interviews with your resume? Get started with Teal’s AI Resume Builder for free.‍Understanding job tenureJob tenure refers to how long a person has worked for a specific employer. This is an important metric as potential employers typically look for someone with several years of experience....

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