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Shared Governance | Memorial Hospital and Health Care Center

At Memorial, our nurses are empowered by our shared governance structure, which includes nurses at all nurses including those in the Advance Practice level as well as nurses in the Ambulatory and Medical Practice settings of the organization. We have achieved top decile inpatient patient experience results through the work of their unit councils, including dramatic improvements in the results of the medication domain on the HCAHPS survey.We have implemented an Interdisciplinary Research Council that is complementary to our Evidence Based Nursing Practice Council. Our nurses were involved with a multi-hospital nursing research study on Nurse Resiliency. These groups also hosted an interdisciplinary poster fair to disseminate the findings from the various projects that have been conducted this year.Shared Governance is a partnership between clinical nurses and leadership where nurses are empowered to utilize their clinical knowledge and expertise to impact decision-making. Examples of nu...

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