News in English

Re: Koeman

Got his justice tonight after we were screwed over in 93.

It was the referee's fault not Koeman's.
It was a blatant red card under the rules at the time whether or not it was a penalty.
The ref just wasn't prepared to take a big and obvious decision.
You can't blame a player for that.

I thought last night's decision was pretty awful. It didn't come close to reaching the bar of clear and obvious error to me.
Kane took the shot unimpeded and put it wide.
The defender tried to block the shot and dived in front of him. He obviously didn't try to kick at Kane or to stop him shooting.
I thought it was just an unfortunate collision.
It wasn't even clear whether Dumfries crash into Kane or Kane into Dumfries.
Because of the height of the ball they both had a foot up.

If the ref had given it I would have seen that as an understandable decision. Not the right decision but you could see how on one view it might look look like a foul.
What I can't understand is how VAR viewed that several times and thought it was a foul.
It seemed like they were looking to give a penalty rather than looking for minimal intervention.
I can just about see how if you view it as a series of snapshots and completely ignore the momentum of the players you could see it as a foul if every contact is a foul.

There was an incident with Walker late on in the game where he tackled a Dutch layer and also slid into him in an uncontrolled way. I thought that was far more of a foul and was reckless, but the ref didn't give it.
Walker tackled the layer in such a way he was bound to catch him full on.

I don't think the penalty made a massive difference in some ways. The Dutch were struggling and it looked like England would have scored at some point anyway. But it is profoundly unsatisfactory to have a big game impacted by a big decision that should not have been given. If that happened against Blues. 98%of people would be furious while 2% would perform mental gynmnastics to justify the decision regardles of how bad it was.

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