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DNC chair takes shot at Lindsey Graham in defense of Biden

During an appearance on MSNBC's "Morning Joe," Democratic National Committee Chair Jaime Harrison made an impassioned case for Democrats to stick with President Joe Biden despite his poor debate performance and used his own experience as a U.S. Senate candidate as a reason not to rush to judgment.

Along the way, he took a shot at his opponent in that 2020 race, Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC), who is one of Donald Trump's biggest defenders.

Speaking with the co-hosts Joe Scarborough, Mika Brzezinski, and Willie Geist, he was asked by MSNBC Jonathan Lemire about comments made by former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) who seemed to leave the door open for Biden to step aside if he so chooses on Wednesday..

"Well, the speaker made clear that she supports Joe Biden, has always supported Joe Biden and will support Joe Biden," he responded. "You know, this is the thing that folks have to understand: why do you vote for a president?"

RELATED: CBS host grills Lindsey Graham over Trump's call for 'televised military tribunals'

"Do you vote for a president because of their age? Do you vote for them because they debate well?" continued. "If debating well was the real key to winning elected office, I'd be U.S. senator right now. I dragged Lindsey Graham's behind across the debate stage. That's not why you vote for a president; you vote for a president to get stuff done. What president has gotten more stuff done than Joe Biden? This has been the most consequential, the most transformational president of my lifetime."

Harrison's debate with Graham was notable for the incumbent complaining about the influx of money coming into to defeat him, which led him to blurt, "Where the hell is all this money coming from...? They hate me. This is not about Mr. Harrison. This is about liberals hating my guts because I stood up for [now-Supreme Court Justice Brett] Kavanaugh when they tried to destroy his life. This is about me helping Donald Trump, " reported Politico at the time.

Watch the video below or at this link.

MSNBC 07 11 2024 06 48 28

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