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University develops AI-enabled robotic guide dog for the blind


(SUMMARY NEWS) – Engineers at Shanghai Jiao Tong University in China have created an advanced AI-enabled robotic guide dog designed to assist the visually impaired. Equipped with sophisticated optics, this robotic dog can detect environmental changes, avoid obstacles, and recognize traffic signals, enhancing its ability to navigate safely.

The robot, developed by the university’s School of Mechanical Engineering under the leadership of Professor Feng Gao, responds accurately to voice commands like “start,” “stop,” and “set a destination” thanks to its deep learning-based speech recognition models. Additionally, it features a unique speed-control cane mounted on its back, which allows users to control movement speed by pushing or pulling.

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This innovative guide dog boasts six legs for optimal stability and smooth motion, making it the first of its kind to integrate three interaction modes: auditory, tactile, and force feedback. This allows for a responsive and interactive experience, providing real-time feedback about walking conditions and the environment.

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