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Woman sentenced in fatal stabbing of 17-year-old girl

COLUMBUS, Ohio (WCMH) – A 20-year-old woman was sentenced to up to three years in prison Thursday after she pleaded guilty to the March 2023 fatal stabbing of a teenage girl.

Bryanna Barozzini pleaded guilty to involuntary manslaughter last month for her role in the stabbing death of Halia Culbertson, 17.

Both the prosecution and the defense played videos for the judge Thursday to show what exactly happened leading up to the altercation between the then-18-year-old Barozzini and Culbertson.

Court records state there was an ongoing feud between them which eventually led to a fistfight in a northeast Columbus parking lot in March 2023. That fight ended with Barozzini stabbing Culbertson in the neck.

Barozzini expressed remorse during her sentencing hearing, saying she was sorry for the pain she caused Culbertson’s family and she will feel guilty for the rest of her life.

Culbertson’s family spoke about how loved she was and they miss her every single day. Culbertson’s grandmother and sister both say they wish Barozzini could get more prison time.

“This is the world where I know every day my sister’s killer gets to walk free with nothing but a slap on her wrist,” Kaelyn Cuthbertson, Halia Culbertson’s sister, said. “I am more than outraged and heartbroken. I will live the rest of my life in this nightmare waiting to wake up and my sister still be here.”

“We don’t get a maximum three-year sentence,” Katherine Langley, Halia Culbertson’s grandmother, said. “Our sentence is a lifelong heartbreak.”

Barozzini was immediately taken into custody after the judge handed down the sentence. In addition to the prison sentence, Barozzini will be on probation for 1-3 years following her release.

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