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Medical Freedom at Stake: Florida Major Public Hospital Board Member Election Could Revolutionize Patient Care

Guest post by Jon Kopel and edited by The Gateway Pundit.

On August 20th of this year, there will be a very important election of board members to a major public hospital in Florida, the hospital being Sarasota Memorial Hospital (SMH).

The are four medical freedom candidates running for the board who want to give the hospital patients the fundamental human rights they deserve, not just as patients in a hospital, but as human beings.

If the medical freedom candidates win this election, they will control a majority on the board, which will allow them to give patients the care they need and not allow bureaucrats to dictate their health policy without offering patients informed consent and safe and effective treatment.

You would think this patient-centered care would be standard, but sadly, in America, it is not.

Like hospitals around the country during the Plandemic, patients were very frequently treated like prisoners, or worse. Food and water was withheld from them.

Their family members were prohibited from coming to see them. Many died alone without even immediate family members allowed to be with them at  their own demise. They had death inflicting protocols forced on them such as remdesivir, which causes multiple organ failure and death.

Wrongful Death Lawsuit Filed Against Three California Hospitals for Using Remdesivir as COVID-19 Treatment Without Informed Consent 

They were threatened to take an experimental injection (the COVID shot), which just recently, a federal court ruled was not even a vaccine.

9th Circuit Court of Appeals Acknowledges Plaintiffs’ Claim that COVID-19 mRNA Jab is NOT a Vaccine, But a Therapeutic

This same COVID shot, which Florida Surgeon General Ladapo said should be taken off the market.

Florida Surgeon General Dr. Joseph Ladapo Warns Americans Not to Take New Covid Vaccine (VIDEO)

And which has caused more than 2.6 million adverse events and more than 37,000 deaths is still being given to patients at SMH. The SMH hospital board will not even put Surgeon General Ladapo's message to stop giving these experimental injections on it's own website. The current SMH Board think the Covid shots are still good for you, despite overwhelming evidence to the contrary.

Screenshot: VAERS

All of these horrific protocols were forced on patients at SMH and other hospitals around the country because of the sinister Prep Act.

According to Children's Health Defense:

The PREP Act, which authorizes the secretary of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) to declare that “a disease or other health condition or other threat to health constitutes a public health emergency,” grants a “covered person” immunity from legal liability for all claims for loss relating to the administration or use of covered “countermeasures,” such as drugs, biological products, medical devices and vaccines.

“A PREP Act declaration is specifically for the purpose of providing immunity from liability, and is different from, and not dependent on, other emergency declarations.”

PREP provides liability protection to what is termed a “covered person”; the U.S. government; a manufacturer, a distributor, a program planner; and one who administers, or dispenses such countermeasures.

Through the Prep Act, the federal government used hospitals for their depopulation agenda (the polite word for democide/genocide) and hospitals enriched themselves, receiving hundreds of millions of dollars at the expense of their own patients.

The four medical freedom candidates who greatly need our support, financial and otherwise, are Dr. Stephen Guffanti, Dr. Tamzin Rosenwasser, Tanya Parus, and Mary Flynn O'Neill, the sister of General Flynn.

Dr. Guffanti and Dr. Rosenwasser's website is MDs for a Safe Hospital.

Screenshot: MDs for a Safe Hospital

Dr. Guffanti, in addition to being a doctor for many years, became a whistleblower and risked his own life trying to save a patient at SMH.

Dr. Rosenwasser, in addition to being a doctor for many years, is a past President and current Treasurer of the Association of American Physicians and Surgeons, our nation’s strongest defender of patients and doctors who take a stand against medical bureaucrats.

AAPS stopped the socialized medicine that Hilary Clinton tried to push through. Recently, the Association of American Physicians and Surgeons wrote an amicus brief in support of physicians who sued the FDA over ivermectin and won.

Tanya Parus and Mary Flynn O'Neill's website is The Medical Freedom.

Screenshot: Medical Freedom

Tanya is the chapter head of Moms for America in Sarasota County. She helped to create the We the People Health and Wellness Center, where alternative methods of treatment are accepted and not shunned.

She has been praised by General Flynn here:

Speaking of General Flynn, Mary Flynn O'Neil is also running for the board at SMH. She will “Fight like a Flynn” on behalf of the rights and care of patients at SMH.

One of the lies being spread by the dark money in this campaign is that the medical freedom candidates want to privatize the hospital. Nothing could be

further from the truth. Dr Guffanti points out that the current board members (excluding the two medical freedom board members) have cut the public input by 70%.  People who come to comment publicly about board policies used to be able to speak every month for five minutes.

Now it's only every other month for three minutes. Privatization will mean that we no longer will be able to speak publicly at the board meetings. They won't have to listen to the public. We don't want that. We don't want privatization.

During the COVID era, government bureaucrats dictated medical policy and protocols and interfered in the normal patient-doctor relationship. Informed consent, the right to be given accurate information about any drug or protocol in advance and to say no to that, was thrown out the window.

Also the Sarasota Herald Tribune, the primary local media here won't allow any positive information to be put on it's op-ed page. This author wrote an op-ed to the paper and they refused to post it, yet they posted the most trivial op-ed about people throwing their own gum on the sidewalk.

And when the op-ed is favorable to the incumbent SMH board, they will even put that on the front page of the paper. Like President Trump would say “Fake News”.

Now people are scared to go to hospitals. People are scared hospitals will kill them and rightly so. If we can get these four ardent medical freedom candidates elected to the SMH board, they will be in a position to implement policies that will ensure a safe and successful outcome, unlike what took place during the COVID era.

And this will set a national precedent for medical freedom. It will inspire people around the US to pressure their hospitals not to harm them with dangerous (and evil) protocols but to give them options like Ivermectin and/or Vitamin C instead of toxic big pharma drugs like chemo (for which doctors get significant kickbacks).

If you live in Sarasota County, Florida or know anyone there, please tell them to support these candidates. These candidates are there for our own well being.

The people running for the Hospital Board on the Medical Freedom platform include two doctors who have been involved in actually taking care of patients, unlike the business people on the present Board, and pharmaceutical companies, and bureaucrats in the FDA and CDC.

Hospitals are not businesses like other businesses. There is an important ethic involved. Things happened in the hospital during COVID - and not just in this hospital but in hospitals all over the nation, which is suspicious - we know a lot of it came right from the government and that the government was engaged in dangerous and illegal gain-of-function research (aka bioweapons research).

So please support these medical freedom candidates. They do not get paid for being on the board. They are doing this out of the goodness of their own hearts.

The post Medical Freedom at Stake: Florida Major Public Hospital Board Member Election Could Revolutionize Patient Care appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.

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