News in English

07/13/24: Unsettled Today, Less Humid Tomorrow!

The Latest Storm Tracker Forecast By Meteorologist Jordan Due

We woke up to a few sprinkles and showers on the radar today but many places saw some beautiful sunrises before more clouds rolled in. We can expect the cloud cover to increase throughout the day as the threat of showers and storms increases by the afternoon. Temperatures today are looking warm in the upper-80s all across the region!

We will continue to warm up throughout the day! That humidity unfortunately will be on the rise as well as there's some moisture in the atmosphere lingering from that stationary front to our south and east. Although the threat of showers is mainly south and east, a few showers and storms could break from the pack and make their way north into our region.

Futurecast is a bit optimistic as to when showers and storms are expected to cross our region. The showers could start just after noon and be fairly scattered until after 5 PM tonight. Although futurecast has these showers out of our way after 5 PM, with all the moisture still coming up from the Mid-Atlantic where that front is, we can't rule out the chance for a lingering shower/downpour. The good news is into Sunday we are expected to clear out and remain dry throughout tomorrow.

Temperatures for tomorrow are looking hotter but not as humid. Many places could see the start of a few 90-degree days! Including right here in Albany with our forecasted high at 91. The humidity will be at bay until Monday when it starts to creep back up to the humid range and remain high until Wednesday with the expected rain we're getting. This humid stretch is expected to be short-lived, with dewpoints dropping back down to the more comfortable range by the end of the week.

Today we are looking humid. The majority of the showers are looking to be south and east of Albany but there are likely going to be some showers and storms within the Capital Region. These isolated showers and storms could also linger later into tonight. We are keeping that mugginess for just a bit longer through the night before a bit of relief tomorrow.

Today we stay humid, not a total washout but an unsettled day nonetheless. Comparing it to Sunday, tomorrow is going to be the drier and more comfortable day to be outside with the humidity dropping off for a brief moment. Then we're looking down the barrel of some unsettled weather throughout the first half of the week. The more widespread showers and storms will be on Wednesday. The good news is, towards the end of the week, the temperature drops, the chances for showers and storms plummet, and thankfully, so does that humidity.

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