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'Think about that': GOP playing with fire by letting QAnon MTG speak at convention

With conservatives heading to Milwaukee this coming week where they will attend the Republican National Convention and nominate Donald Trump as their 2024 presidential candidate, one political analyst questioned the wisdom of allowing bomb-throwing Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA) to take the stage to speak.

With Greene's speech likely televised nationally — and excerpted on social media — analyst Molly Jong-Fast expressed surprise at the GOP leadership putting her in front of the country due to her less-than-stellar reputation and her penchant for conspiracy-mongering at a time when things are looking up for Republicans.

With Phang prompting her guest by stating the GOP convention looks like it will be "CPAC on steroids," Jong-Fast replied, "I think it's going to be a lot of craziness and we already know Marjorie Taylor Greene has been really helpful for Democrats"

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"Republicans are ruled by the basest aspects of their base, so you have people — remember, Democrats have, it's not the same, have people who are more lefty and those people don't get to speak at the convention, right, because they are not running the party."

"Whereas on the right, you have these people who are not ... who are totally different but are far-right zealots who have crazy ideas," she added. "Marjorie Taylor Greene came from the world of QAnon, right? And came from the world of these wild conspiracy theories, you remember space lasers, Jewish space lasers? She's going to speak at the convention so think about that."

"What I think does really help Democrats is this party is so far right and cannot temper its basest aspects that I do think this convention will provide an opportunity to highlight that," she added.

You can watch below or at the link.

MSNBC 07 13 2024 12 30 25

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