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A Prayer and Thoughts After Shooting of President

A Prayer

Our Father,  G-d in Heaven,

Our Rock and Redeemer,

May You bless Donald John Trump

As he pursues his journey on this, Your earth.

Bless the people of the United States of America

To find the wisdom and countenance

To preserve, protect, and defend

Freedom and justice in our land.

During these trying times

May evil and villainy perish before our eyes,

Not by our acts of violence but by Your mighty hand.

And may You help her people make America great again.


Lawfare Against President

It is imperative that President Trump’s attorneys file emergency motions at this time to request six-month continuances (postponements) in each of the three active Democrat lawfare cases against him, and likewise to delay sentencing in the Bragg-Merchan sham trial that was held in New York.

The present social environment in America is far too heated to proceed with contentious lawfare at this time. The Democrats’ standard bearer is discombobulating and discombooberating before our very eyes and ears. His largest donors are backing off. His party is in chaos, seeing what they anticipated would be an easy November win transmogrify into a potential catastrophe. Ready in the wings behind the Fabricator-in-Chief is a giggling, cackling idiot who was placed on the stage for the DEI show, not actually to be more than a draw for the Woke.

On the other side, anger has been boiling and temperatures raging since an unquestionably unfair 2020 election. It was marked by more irregularities and deceitful corruption than any other American presidential election since the farce of 1876 that saw Republicans cheat the presidency from Samuel Tilden and hand it to Rutherford B. Hayes. Hayes not only had lost the popular vote to Tilden but also had, by all objective contemporaneous accounts, lost the electoral vote.

The 2020 election was the culmination of changing how America votes. Using COVID as a foil, Democrats forced an emergency end to the traditional single national Election Day, as is the practice throughout Western democracies and as was the practice for two centuries in America. In its place they put an amalgam of week-long voting, month-long voting, vote harvesting, unsupervised ballot boxes, registering at the election station, refusing to ask for identification, and even additional opportunities for fraud.

It was a time when Twitter arbitrarily banned one side’s leader from communicating, then Facebook and others cheated, even suppressing news of the Hunter Biden laptop. The whole farce was dishonest, and half the country has waited four years to see justice exacted this November.

Mike Huckabee is no Trump, but he is the only Republican I trust to carry the MAGA agenda forward.

Amid the anger and rage, there is the corrupt lawfare waged all over the country against President Trump. Crooked judges tried to ban him from ballots in Colorado and Maine. A truly corrupt case unfolded in Manhattan, highlighted by testimony from a hooker and a convicted embezzler, each of whom owes Trump tens of thousands of dollars apiece.

The sham slithered forward, overseen by a biased “judge” who exposed himself for what he is, a case in which the charges were not even spelled out in the indictment or during trial. Another lawfare sham is being pursued by a Soros D.A. in Georgia, who handed the high-paying prosecuting opportunity to a married man with whom she was sleeping and vacationing.

As he became richer by her largesse with taxpayers’ money, she waded into the waters with him, waiting for him to divorce his wife and become available to her — along with his newly acquired cash.

Plus, the two other sleazy cases in D.C. and Florida.

There is great rage and great confusion now in America. It will only heat up more as the final four months of the presidential election proceed. That will not reduce in intensity.

Against such a backdrop, it is imperative to continue (postpone) the lawfare cases and sentencing for six months, to allow for some cooling down through the heated campaigns and two months following.

Vice President: I Say Mike Huckabee

The shooting on Shabbat Day, July 13, helps crystallize that this is a profoundly important Vice Presidential election year, too. On the Democrat side, Biden will not last four more years in the White House and may even secretly be planning to resign the day after his second inauguration, having topped the ticket only because Kamala otherwise would be a sure loser at the top. Her place always has been immediately underneath the top man.

But the Shabbat Day shooting also brings home that, but for the grace of G-d …

Those who see in President Trump the “once in a century” chance to make America great again have a duty to look beyond him just in case …

In the prior half century, only one man had the vision and strength — greatness — to repair the America that the Democrats had destroyed in the 1960’s. Ronald Reagan did an extraordinary job, given the era and circumstances under which he toiled. Democrats tied him up in Congress and would not allow him to pick his Supreme Court justices beyond Antonin Scalia.

He did a heck of a job, and his Vice President succeeded him after his two terms expired. George H.W. Bush, more than any other person — even more than Obama — destroyed the America that Reagan restored. He was given a legacy to continue and he decided to make the left-wing media like him by being “kinder and gentler.”

He increased taxes and wimped-out on issue after issue. He was openly hostile toward our Middle-East ally Israel, complaining bitterly against its “1,000 lobbyists up on the Hill.” He named David Souter to the Supreme Court.

Only one term later, Reagan Republicans, exasperated, abandoned the party. Many stayed home on Election Day. Some voted for Ross Perot. And the rest was history. The Reagan Revolution ended.

Trump’s Vice President will be in the on-deck circle throughout Trump’s presidency and will be the odds-on favorite to succeed him as the next GOP standard bearer. Mike Huckabee is no Trump, but he is the only Republican I trust to carry the MAGA agenda forward. Here is why:

  1. Marco Rubio is very good. I like him very much. He is not yet as strong and occasionally has shown signs of weakness. He is great, but this is not yet his time. And that Florida Senate seat is too important to risk in a successor election.
  1. Same exact for Tim Scott. He is great, but he is not MAGA as much as Trump is. And his South Carolina Senate seat is secure with him. It is too important to risk in a new election. After all, who would have expected to lose both Georgia seats? The first loss of those seats was Republicans sabotaging themselves. But who would have imagined Raphael Warnock again? The GOP candidate ended up having more skeletons than a sarcophagus, and it was what was. Things happen.
  1. J.D. Vance also is great, but he needs more legislative experience, has had less than only one Ohio term, and Republicans cannot risk his seat either. Republicans always talk about Ohio as being a “Republican state,” but Sherrod Brown keeps winning his Senate seat even though he is the most anti-Republican politician in the state, with a documented voting record to prove it. Vance’s Senate seat is too important to risk in a successor race.

In an America where only one single Senate seat can be the difference between a Ketanji-Sotomayor or a Thomas-Alito Supreme Court, the Republican Senate seats must not be trifled with.

Mike Huckabee has evolved in front of our eyes for several years into total MAGA. He always was pretty good, but moved totally on board over time. What governor or TV personality in the world makes a series of kiddie books to teach children how great President Trump 45 was?

Huckabee’s daughter was a fabulous spokesperson for Trump and now is a MAGA governor. Compare her to DEI Jean-Pierre. Beyond that — very, very important — Mike Huckabee is a true Christian. He believes in G-d, is loyal to G-d and His Bible, fears G-d. For that reason, too,  I trust him more than I do any other politician on the horizon.

He sought the presidency twice. It did not work out for him because others were more charismatic, his MAGA credentials were not yet as solid, and who could be more MAGA than the guy in the center of that stage anyway? But, if he is given the chance to glide in as Vice President, when his turn comes, he will carry on the MAGA vision as none of the others will, and he will not be forfeiting a valuable Senate seat to get there.

I have not written about the Republican Vice Presidential choices these past weeks, even as the process has heated up before the impending Republican National Convention. But the shooting on Shabbat Day, alongside the decomposition of Biden, brings home the importance to elevate that choice to the GOP priority right now.

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Why Biden Is So Insistent on Running

The post A Prayer and Thoughts After Shooting of President appeared first on The American Spectator | USA News and Politics.

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