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Exclusive on Trump Assassination: “I’ve Been to Every Trump Rally, They Left a Clear Line-of-Sight to Kill Trump” (VIDEO INTERVIEW)

In the aftermath of Saturday’s attempted assassination of President Trump, details are continuing to emerge about the security decisions that made the shooting possible.

Lori Levi has attended every Trump rally selling merchandise except for 10, and noticed major security lapses in the set up and layout of the Trump rally by event organizers.

“I had a terrible feeling. I knew something was wrong. I kept waiting for them to fix the basic security problems, since there was a direct ‘line-of-sight’ to President Trump.”

The FBI and federal authorities have assumed total control over local law enforcement to respond to media inquiries. In an email, the City of Butler police told the Gateway Pundit, “The FBI has assumed the role of the lead federal law enforcement agency in the investigation. The FBI is now issuing all press related material.”

The corrupt FBI has been caught fabricating evidence used against Trump in the Russian collusion hoax case. The FBI was caught by Congress lying to hurt Trump. The FBI has been busy persecuting the January 6th protesters with imaginary criminal offenses. The corrupt FBI has worked to take out Trump by any means necessary.

Even the High School Crooks graduated from is now directing people to the FBI instead of making any additional comments.

Levi, a long-time rally attendee who attends every Trump rally as a vendor selling Trump-related merchandise, tells the Gateway Pundit: “I knew something was wrong the day before when I came to set up in Butler, Pennsylvania.

They weren’t blocking the line of sight like they have in every other location. Typically they would put cranes, or heavy machinery, in the way to block a clear line-of-sight to Trump as a security protocol. I kept thinking that his security detail was going to bring it in later, but they never did.”


“When we came in on Friday, after attending hundreds of Trump rallies, we noticed the situation did not look right. They can’t protect him from here. I just had this terrible feeling. I knew something was off.”

Levi makes clear that at every other Trump rally, the Secret Service made sure that there was no easy long-distance ‘line of sight’ to the President.

Levi says that the security protocol is to create a “layered” barrier to create a ‘line of sight’ protection for President Trump from sniper and would-be assassins.

This protocol was not in place at the Trump rally in Butler, Pennsylvania, says Levi.

“I assumed they would bring in dump trucks, semi trucks, cranes, to block the line of sight, but they didn’t.”

“I do not believe that some 20 year old kid could have pulled this off,” said Levi. “The Secret Service does not make these kind of mistakes. I don’t believe this story. I think they let him get the shot off first.”

Levi also notes that the security perimeter to protect the typical Donald Trump rally is usually much farther out than it was in Butler, Pennsylvania at the Butler Farm Show Airport.

Other attendees tell the Gateway Pundit that the security problems extend not just to letting a Presidential assassin climb the most obvious building with a direct line-of-sight to the President, but they include a wide variety of other security failures that have as yet gone unreported by the mainstream media.

There were multiple security failures in Butler, Pennsylvania by the President’s official security detail.

Eyewitnesses also relate that the FBI has been vacuuming up photos and video from the event from attendees, and if past procedure is any indication, they will classify and seal all such material as the product of an ‘ongoing law enforcement investigation’ indefinitely.

The evidence and proof of the Trump assassination attempt is being buried right now. Federal law enforcement is starting to blame local law enforcement for the failure, claiming that they were in charge of providing security on the outer perimeter of the rally.

A source close with law enforcement in the area told the Gateway Pundit today that local Sheriff Michael Slupe was instructed to ‘stand down’ and not send extra manpower and SWAT teams to the rally site in advance of the President’s appearance in Butler, a small town of 13,000 in Pennsylvania about 30 miles northeast of Pittsburgh. This was allegedly done over the objections of Sheriff Slupe.


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