'Compare it to the Kremlin': CNN's Chris Wallace nails RNC crowd's reaction to Trump
CNN contributor Chris Wallace said he couldn't help but notice that the crowd at the Republican National Convention was similar to Russian President Vladimir Putin's sycophants.
During Tuesday night's convention broadcast, CNN correspondent Phil Mattingly reported that the crowd followed Trump's lead on when to stand and sit.
"It's a little bit like a Catholic mass in terms of when people are standing and when they're sitting when the former president stands," he explained.
Trump supporter David Urban agreed.
"Trump rallies are a little religion, a little rock," Urban said. "We're missing the rock tonight, but it's a little bit of everything."
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Wallace pushed back with a different interpretation.
"Another way you could compare it is to the Kremlin, and when the leader of the Kremlin stood, everybody stood," Wallace noted. "And when he sat down, everybody sat down."