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Kamala President Now! – OpEd

Kamala President Now! – OpEd

President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris walk along the West Colonnade at the White House. (Official White House Photo by Lawrence Jackson)

Kamala would be an excellent president of the United States, Biden recently declared. But his statement must be complemented by a courageous operational demonstration.

Dwight D. Eisenhower's famous phrase is when, at the end of his second term, asked if Richard Nixon, his vice-president, was a good candidate for the presidency that he supported, he replied "I want to think about it". I like Ike, the winning electoral slogan for two elections, had reason to want to think about it, given what as President Richard did - Watergate - for re-election. (Question that could be asked for the two current candidates, but is one election not enough?)

Biden's recognition that Kamala would be an excellent US president is not a trivial statement and above all it is not to be taken for granted. Biden's recognition is very important for two reasons. First of all, it seems to be a statement made in absolute conviction. It is not a cliché, but a sincere judgment. Secondly, because the statement is made at a special time, when Trump seems to be taking off towards a certain election, and then consistency must be taken to extremes.

Trump's election is not certain at all if Biden makes two decisions. The first is the one that everyone now requires of him: to give up being the Democratic candidate for health reasons. It should be reiterated that the request is made for health reasons, Biden's lucidity is out of the question. And it is precisely for this reason that his statement about Kamala is a real investiture. But the endowment must be complete.

Taking a step aside, as more and more people are asking him, is not enough. And among other things, it is difficult to pass the baton in a very difficult way. It is as if in a hypothetical two per cent meter relay race the first relay runner passed the baton to the second with a delay of 50 meters. What chance does the second relay runner have of winning? For these elections the situation is similar. Biden passes the baton to the second relay runner with a delay of 4-5 electoral points! Too many to recover. We need a coup de teatre as a true great statesman that Biden is capable of doing. Biden must resign as President to give Kamala the position for three months, until the elections. Let her prove in fact that she is a top President, would be a decision of exceptional political foresight on Biden's part. At the Democratic convention, Kamala must present herself as a candidate and as an incumbent president, who on that occasion will also present her candidate for Vice President.

Biden's decision to invest Kamala as president NOW! is correct as well as logical. If his health that prevents him from campaigning, why not take full note of it, leaving the office to those who will have to do that campaign?

The real great benefits for all of America lies in the special political atmosfera created after the attack on Trump. It is clear that that attack denounces a climate of violence that has been created also because of the way the electoral confrontation is developing. After that attack, the two contenders have both hoped that the harshness of the confrontation will be reduced. But just stating it in the aftermath of the attack is not enough. It is necessary to give concrete operational proofs., and here is the investiture of Kamala President NOW! it would be an act of extraordinary openness to the good for all of America. Kamala President NOW!, in fact, could restructure the electoral campaign moving it to more constructive issues, also accepting some of Trump's requests that seem reasonable. For instance the great spending for Ucraina war.

There are many points of a constructive review of Kamala's election campaign President NOW! which leads to a less violent confrontation that some have called hate vs hate.

President Biden has acknowledged that Kamala would be an excellent president. Prove it with facts by giving Kamala the opportunity to campaign for her as President. All of America will be grateful to him. what can bring the electoral conflict back to shared benefits for all Americans s Kamala President NOW!"

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