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Families of 13 US service members killed at Kabul airport express support for Trump

On the third night of the National Republic Party Convention, families of 13 U.S. soldiers killed during the American withdrawal at Kabul Airport expressed support for Donald Trump.

In the suicide bombing on August 26, 2021, at least 169 Afghans and 13 U.S. soldiers were killed.

The ISIS-K group claimed responsibility for this deadly suicide bombing.

The families of these American soldiers appeared at the National Republican Party Convention in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, to evoke emotions among the participants. Several of them tearfully remembered their loved ones and spoke out.

Among them, Kristi Shumblin, stepmother of Nicole Gee, a U.S. Marine who was killed in the blast, criticized President Joe Biden for ignoring their sacrifice while praising Donald Trump for spending six hours with her family.

Additionally, Shawna Olds-Jawl, Nicole Gee’s aunt, said, “Biden has called the exit from Afghanistan an extraordinary success. Look at our faces. Look at our broken hearts. See our anger. This is not an extraordinary success.”

Ms. Jawl added, “Humiliating our nation was not an extraordinary success. Joe Biden may have forgotten our children, but we have not forgotten.”

Herman Lopez, father of Hunter Lopez, another of the fallen soldiers, also mentioned the names of these 13 soldiers and was echoed by the attendees of the convention.

During the third night of the National Republican Party Convention, families of the 13 U.S. soldiers killed during the American withdrawal from Kabul Airport expressed support for Donald Trump.

These families, known in American media as “Gold Star families,” emotionally remembered their loved ones and criticized President Joe Biden for what they perceived as neglecting their sacrifice, contrasting it with Donald Trump’s six-hour visit with them.

Notably, amidst their grief and anger, there was no mention during the convention of the Afghan civilian casualties, highlighting a perceived disparity in public acknowledgement and mourning.

The post Families of 13 US service members killed at Kabul airport express support for Trump appeared first on Khaama Press.

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