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‘Late Night’ Writers Force Seth Meyers to Roast Himself: ‘Guys! They Get It!’ | Video

Seth Meyers holds regular surprise inspections of his writers on “Late Night,” roasting some of their worst jokes that don’t make it to air. So, on Thursday night, his writers flipped the script, and forced the host to roast himself during his “A Closer Look” segment.

For the most part, Meyers zeroed in on Donald Trump’s VP pick J.D. Vance for the segment, but also tore apart some of the speeches made at the RNC. One particular item Meyers took issue with was their claim that people were better off four years ago than they are now.

“Yes, we all remember the halcyon days of 2020, when the economy was soaring and toilet paper was plentiful, and we weren’t all wearing t-shirts on our faces,” Meyers listed, “and wiping our mail down with Clorox, and filming our TV shows at home without our hair and makeup teams, which left us looking like a ghost haunting a Dickensian orphanage.”

At that, a photo of himself popped up, from when he did indeed host “Late Night” from home. But that dig was only the first to come.

“I look like I have about 30 seconds left to find the key in a ‘Saw’ movie. I look like Data from ‘Star Trek’ after he drowned,” Meyers joked, before turning to his writers off-screen. “Guys, how many of these did you write? I think they get it.”

Still, there was one more left in that section for Meyers to rattle off: “I look like a teenage lesbian’s passport photo.”

Eventually he was able to move on, turning his attention to Nikki Haley who recently endorsed Trump, despite criticizing him while she was running for president herself. Meyers wasn’t surprised by that though — in fact, he predicted it.

The late night host pulled up a clip from a January show to prove it, before he was made to make fun of himself one more time.

“And guys, that was recently, when I was back in the studio! You can tell, ’cause I no longer look like a ventriloquist dummy who came halfway to life,” he said. “Guys! They get it!”

You can watch Seth Meyers’ full “A Closer Look” segment in the video above.

The post ‘Late Night’ Writers Force Seth Meyers to Roast Himself: ‘Guys! They Get It!’ | Video appeared first on TheWrap.

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