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Biden family discussing how president might gracefully exit race: sources

President Joe Biden's family members have reportedly discussed what it might look like for him to exit the presidential race.

The president's closest allies increasingly believe he will make that decision amid calls from Democratic lawmakers to step aside over concerns about his age and fitness, and two sources familiar with the discussions told NBC News that Biden family members have talked about how any exit plan should put the party in the best position to defeat Donald Trump.

"Biden’s family members have specifically discussed how he would want to end his re-election bid on his own timing and with a carefully calculated plan in place," the network reported. "Considerations about the impact of the campaign on his health, his family and the stability of the country are among those at the forefront of the discussions, the people familiar with the discussions said."

Family members also believe an exit plan should pay tribute to the more than five decades Biden has served in public office, the sources said, and Biden and those who feel closest to him are moving through stages of anger and grief after seeing individuals they perceived to be friends turn against him.

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“There was a much more dignified way to do this if this is what they wanted,” a Biden ally said. “This is no way to treat a public servant who has done a lot for this country.”

A person close to his re-election effort believes "it's inevitable" that he'll drop out of the race, and that source said senior staff members have discussed an appropriate plan for him to step aside, although White House spokesman Andrew Bates denied that staffers or family members were having those talks.

"That is not happening, period," Bates said. "The individuals making those claims are not speaking for his family or his team — and they will be proven wrong. Keep the faith."

Some allies believe that, if Biden were to exit, he would make that decision in the coming days, but they added that the president prides himself on overcoming adversity and isn't inclined to quit.

“We don’t even know what we’re doing tomorrow," said a person close to the Bidens.

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